Why You Need a Mission Statement and Branding For Your Charity

There are a few things you’re going to need if you want to make your new charity a success. Perhaps two of the most important things you’ll need to get started are a mission statement and branding.

Here, we’ll look at why these two things are key to start-up charities

What Is a Mission Statement and Why Is It Important?

A mission statement is basically the goal or purpose of the charity. It helps to attract donors and draw in volunteers. The clearer your mission statement is, the more likely it is you will achieve tax exempt status and receive the support you need.

As well as determining the goal of the charity, it also lays out your plans; that is, how the charity aims to combat the issue it is addressing. Once you have donors and fundraisers, they will also be able to spread your mission statement for you.

So, a strong mission statement is important because it helps you to get the support needed.

The Benefits of Branding

Another thing to focus on when setting up a charity is branding. This includes your visual identity as well as focusing on the underlying message of the organization. Your brand basically helps people identify who you are and how they feel about your organization.

Just some of the benefits of charity branding include:

  • Increases awareness
  • Improves fundraising campaigns
  • Builds up trust
  • Helps you to attract more volunteers and donors

A strong brand will really increase awareness of the charity. If people love your visual branding, it’s going to make them more likely to want to learn more about what you do.

It can also help with fundraising campaigns. If people recognize the brand, they are more likely to get involved with any fundraisers you host. It also helps to build up trust. Charitable organizations rely heavily upon the trust of the consumer. Without it, you’re going to struggle to keep the charity going.

Finally, the right branding can also help you to attract more donors and volunteers. You’re going to need a steady stream of funding which will mostly come from both public and private donors.

These are just some of the benefits branding can bring for your business. So, now you know more about how important both a mission statement and branding are, how can you go about creating them?

How to Create a Strong Mission Statement and Branding

The key to creating a strong mission statement is to make it clear, concise and informative. You can get help from others in the organization when putting your mission statement and branding together. You could also hire a professional to take care of your branding for you.

Overall, having a mission statement and strong branding is crucial for your charity. The above are just some of the reasons why it matters. If you are struggling, professional help is available – particularly in terms of branding.

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