Where to Get Help When Starting A Charity

Starting a charity isn’t easy. There is a lot to research and prepare for, including familiarizing yourself with the legal aspects of the business. With so much to take in, it’s important to seek help where you can.

Here, we’ll look at some of the best places you can get help when setting up a charity.

Professional Help

For certain aspects of setting up a nonprofit, you’re going to need professional help. To start with, search for nonprofit solicitors. They will be able to help you understand and navigate your way through the legalities. You already know it can be quite a complex process setting up a charity, so hiring a good solicitor will make it so much easier and a lot less stressful.

Alongside a solicitor, you’ll also want to consider hiring an accountant. The tax rules for nonprofits are different to those for businesses. So, if you don’t have any knowledge of nonprofit taxes, seeking out an accountant who specializes in helping nonprofits is advised.

Another type of professional service you can use is nonprofit corporation services. Companies such as LegalZoom can help you to incorporate your business quickly and easily.

These are just some of the different types of professionals who can help you when you start a charity.


A lot of the things you need to know when you are setting up a charity can be found on websites. You will find a lot of useful information on the National Council of Nonprofits website. They also provide a range of tools and resources you can utilize.

Other great websites to check out include Nonprofit Experts and the Charities Aid Foundation.

Social Media

As a nonprofit, you’ll want to set up social media profiles for your charity. This is going to be a major source for fundraising in today’s digital world. However, did you know it can also prove useful to get help when setting up?

You’ll find a ton of groups on social media, alongside other charities you can gain inspiration from. There are groups set up by and for charities that frequently offer advice and tips on starting out. So, be sure to check social media if you do get stuck as it might have the answers you are looking for.

Funding Help

Finally, you are more than likely going to need help with funding when you are starting a nonprofit. You have a number of options here so understanding them all, alongside their pros and cons, is crucial.

Research the different charity funding options online. Look into fundraising, crowdfunding and private donors. Make sure you familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of each.

There are so many places you can find help when you are setting up a charity. The above are the main places to start looking. The internet is a great place to find the information you might need, but don’t forget to consider bringing in the professionals too. Take your time when researching also, as you need to make sure you are making the right decisions.

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