What Does Eco-Friendly Actually Mean?

Because people realize how much damage is being done to our environment over the years, most people are now aware of the importance of trying to do less harm to our world. However, sometimes the terms used can be tricky. One such term is “eco-friendly.”

It can mean that the item is beneficial to the environment, or it can mean that it simply causes no harm to the environment. The problem is there is no real legal definition of “eco-friendly” for products. Anyone can claim it, and that is where the problem comes in. Having said that, in general being eco-friendly does have the implications that most people expect.

Half Electricity Bill* Low Waste – This means that the product either has no waste or low waste, or at least lower waste than a previous product. For example, using paper plates made from peanuts is a way to make biodegradable disposable plates, and they can be deemed eco-friendly, but that doesn’t mean they’re suitable for everyone. For example, people who are allergic to peanuts can’t use these products.

* Saves Energy – Another way a product can be eco-friendly is that it uses less energy than a comparable product, or an alternative form of energy. For example, an electric car is considered eco-friendlier than a gas vehicle; however, some people question this due to the batteries.

* Deforestation – One major cause of environmental damage is how overproduction is causing our forests to disappear. A company might decide to become more eco-friendly by promising to plant twice the trees it displaces.

* Lowering the Impact of Travel – Many companies now look at ways they can stop traveling so much to be an eco-friendlier corporation. They may decide to do events online instead of traveling, or they might decide to travel by solar-powered boat instead of by airplane.

* Buying Local Is Eco-Friendly – When you shop at local farmer’s markets from farmers who grow the produce or produce the meat locally to you, you will automatically be shopping in a more eco-friendly way than by buying from mass markets.

* Recycled Products – Some products that are recycled are considered eco-friendly. However, it depends on the product. Some people are questioning the intelligence of trying to recycle plastic, for example, due to the vast environmental damage it’s already caused.

To be more eco-friendly, all you really need to do is reduce, reuse, and recycle. But you can do one more thing, which is “refuse.” Refuse to buy things you don’t need and that aren’t produced to the exacting standards that use less energy, create less waste, and use fewer chemicals. It takes everyone to join in to make this work; otherwise terms like “eco-friendly” aren’t going to make much of a difference.

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