Eco-Friendly Homemade Bath Products

One thing about making homemade bath products, aside from the fact that you can ensure they are eco-friendly, is that it’s a lot less expensive. With one bath bomb costing upwards of 8 dollars in some cases, doing it yourself is a great option.

Eco-Friendly Homemade Bath Bomb

Bath bombs can provide additional moisture to your bath and even uplifting fragrance. But as mentioned, they are often expensive and also have ingredients you’d rather not expose yourself or the world to.

Whisk together 1/4 cup Epsom salt, corn starch, dry citric acid (buy at Target, Hobby Lobby, and Walmart) with 1/2 cup baking soda in a mixing bowl. In a small bowl, whisk together 1 tablespoon high-quality, extra-virgin, cold-pressed olive oil and 1 tablespoon of water. You can add a tablespoon of any essential oil you want or another TBS of olive oil instead for a fragrance-free bomb. Pour the wet ingredients into your dry ingredients and mix until it forms a dough. Roll into a ball and then let it dry.

To use, just drop into your bath water and enjoy. You can add natural coloring to the bath bombs too and use any essential oil you like so that you can change it up.

Chemical Free Bubble Bath

Another thing you can make that’s fun for kids and adults alike is bubble bath. Bubble bath is usually very chemically laden and not right for you or anyone. But you can make it safe for even your baby.

You’ll need to buy or make your own castile soap. You can make or buy scented or unscented varieties; it’s up to you, depending on how sensitive your skin is. You can also scent it yourself with essential oils. Just mix together the following:

* 1 cup distilled water, warmed up (not hot to the touch)
* 1 cup liquid castile soap
* 1/2 cup organic vegetable glycerin
* Several drops of any essential oils that you like

Put all the ingredients in a glass jar that you can seal. It will separate, but that’s okay. You can keep it in the fridge to keep it fresh. To use, shake it up a little, then add about 1/8 to a 1/4 a cup to your bath as the water flows in (or more if you like it super-bubbly). Hint: Make a body shower soap by adding two extra cups of distilled water to the mixture.

Once you learn how to make these things, you can mix them up with different essential oils and various ingredients – most of which come out of your kitchen or can be purchased at regular stores like Target, Walmart, and Hobby Lobby.

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