Why did humans start eating meat?

red meat with chili pepper and green spies

It must have felt unnatural at first, to eat animal flesh. After all, we’re not so far removed from animals ourselves. Perhaps it even felt cannibalistic. There might not have been that much intellectual distinction between humans and other animals. When humans were pure vegetarians, they were living in harmony with the earth and with … Read more

Common Reasons Why People Gain Back Weight After a Diet

blue tape measuring on clear glass square weighing scale

Trying to get back in shape is like bouncing on a trampoline. Diets are hard, but maintaining that weight for the long term can be very demanding. There is no such thing as reaching your desired body weight, but often, individuals fall into a similar snare: they rapidly begin to put on the weight they … Read more

10 Superfoods For Optimal Brain Health And Performance

clear glass container on white textile

We all have brief lapses now and then when our brains start acting weird. You’re probably familiar with these common scenarios: you’re in the middle of a conversation when suddenly, you just can’t remember a familiar name or place, or you can’t remember what you were going to say; your mind goes totally blank. You … Read more

Reasons People Become Vegan

scrabble tiles in blue ceramic plate

There is a myriad of reasons that people decide to become vegan. But, most of the time people decide to become vegan for either health reasons, or because they want to stop the promotion of factory farms which are harming animals and ruining our environment. You’ll hear a lot of reasons, but the good thing … Read more