Why Keeping Fit into Old Age Is Important

Exercise is known to be a key element to our overall health and wellbeing. When you are younger, you know you’re supposed to exercise daily to maintain good health. However, as you age and those energy levels drop, it’s easy to let exercise slip from your routine.

The trouble is, if you want to maintain optimum health as you age, it is crucial to add exercise into your routine. Here, we’ll look at just some of the reasons why keeping fit into old age is important.

Preventing Disease and Illness

One of the biggest reasons keeping fit into old age is important is because it helps to fight off disease and illness.

As you get older, your risk of developing serious diseases such as cancer and heart disease increases. A number of studies have shown that regular exercise can help to decrease this risk.

It also helps to improve your overall immune system. So, you’ll also develop fewer illnesses such as the flu.

Reduces the Chances of a Fall

Older people are generally more prone to falls. These can result in serious injury which in turn impact independence. In many cases, a slip or fall in older people can mean they need to undergo hip and joint replacements.

If you want to maintain your independence, regular exercise can help. Not only will it improve your balance, reducing the risk of a fall, but it also protects the joints, preventing serious injury. You’ll also find that regular exercise helps to maintain mobility. So, you’ll have no problem getting around and maintaining your independence.

Improved Mental Health

It isn’t just your physical health you need to protect as you age. Mental health issues can also develop later in life. Exercise is proven to combat the symptoms of mental illness such as depression and anxiety. It releases endorphins which make you feel good, naturally reducing stress.

You’ll also find regular exercise helps you to sleep better. This in turn can boost your mood and combat a variety of mental health issues.

It Reduces the Risk of Dementia

Finally, another compelling reason to keep fit in older age is because it can reduce the risk of dementia. A study, published within the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, found that leading a sedentary lifestyle in older age can increase the risk of dementia. It was discovered those who exercised had a lower risk of dementia than those who didn’t. 

So, if you’re looking to protect your mind, reduce the risk of disease and protect yourself against falls, regular exercise is essential. It can also help to improve your social life if you attend exercise classes for older people. You’ll meet new people and get out of the house for a little while.

Exercise is important no matter what age you are. However, it becomes even more important in older age. Make sure you follow guidance on how much exercise you should be getting, depending upon your age.  

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