Which Vitamins Are Best for Pets Skin and Coat?

Pets sometimes have issues with their skin and coat. Just like us humans, they can get dry hair, dry and itchy skin, and for some it’s worse than others. If your pet is having issues with their skin and coat, you may want to look for an appropriate vitamin that will help them based on the type of pet it is and their problem. Here are some alternatives.

For Dogs

Is your dog’s coat dull, greasy, or thin? Is their skin itchy, and are they scratching a lot? If they don’t have an underlying condition such as a food allergy or illness that needs mediation or vet care, there are options that you can try.

* B Vitamins – These are important for a healthy coat. The most important B vitamin for a healthy coat is biotin. If you can get your dog to eat green veggies, peas, or nutritional yeast, that is a good way to get more B-complex vitamins in their system.

* Vitamin C – Dogs make their own vitamin C but in some cases, especially if they’re older with a dull coat, giving them additional vitamin C won’t hurt and can bring back the shine. Add berries, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower to their diet if you want to do it the natural way.

* Vitamin A – This is a water-soluble vitamin known as beta-carotene that you can find in carrots and sweet potatoes. Some dogs love snacking on raw baby carrots, which can help give them plenty of vitamin A.

* Zinc – This is a vitamin essential for skin health plus the formation of many other enzymes in the body. It can be found naturally in high protein foods like eggs, beef, lamb, pork, chicken, and fish.

For Cats

Many issues can cause problems with a cat’s coat and skin. Some cats are allergic to certain by-products in the food you give them. Others are bathed too often by their owners in an effort to cut down on allergens for the humans in the household. But for the most part, a healthy cat who is well cared for, brushed often and fed a healthy diet, should have a thick, shiny, soft coat without scabs or the need to scratch.

If you’ve ruled out fleas (and just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they don’t have them) or other issues, you can try supplementation for your cat’s coat.

* Protein – Cats need a lot of protein to maintain a healthy coat, more than dogs. If the food you’re feeding them is high in grain by-products they may be suffering due to it, even if there is also protein. Consider supplementing your cat’s diet with an ounce of raw rabbit, chicken, or beef each day.

* Fat – Cats also need fat in their diet. Some generic foods do not offer enough fat and can end up causing problems with the cat’s coat and vitamin processing. A good way to deal with this problem is to supplement with fish oil like salmon oil. You can sprinkle it right on your cat’s dry food.

* Carbohydrates – The best carbohydrates for cats include vegetables and fruit, not grains. Switch to a grain-free food to ensure that your cat’s coat gets and remains healthy. Plus, if they’re itchy, this should cure it.

Other issues that could interfere with your pet having a healthy, shiny coat is obesity. Many house pets are obese. If you’re feeding your pet table scraps, pet food, treats, and more, that can be a serious issue for them. Try feeding them the right food in the right amounts at the right time, with plenty of fresh water, using vet recommended supplements as directed. Within 12 to 15 weeks you should notice a huge difference.

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