When You Have No Choice but to Keep An Unwanted Gift

When you receive an unwanted gift, the obvious solution would be to give it away or sell it. However, in some cases it isn’t possible to do this without offending the gift-giver.

If you have no choice but to keep the item, below you’ll discover some great ideas on what you can do with it.

Keep It Stored Away

If you really don’t like the gift, you can always keep it stored away for most of the year. Just remember to display it whenever the gift-giver comes around. By storing it away, you won’t have to look at it or think about it most of the time.

If you are choosing this approach, it’s a good idea to make sure you’re storing it properly. If you don’t, it could end up getting damaged in storage.

Add Your Own Touch

If you don’t really have anywhere to store your unwanted gift, could you at least add your own touch to it? That is, changing its design to better match your tastes?

If you receive clothing you don’t like, for example, you could consider adding Swarovski crystals or other accessories to glam it up a little. If you have received jewelry, could you switch out any gems you’re not keen on, or simply change the chain? These small touches won’t completely change the way the item looks, but it will potentially help you to like the gift a lot more.

Think of all of the ways you could add your own touch to the gift you’ve received. You might just be surprised how easy it is to upgrade something to better match your preferences. 

Catalogue It

While you might be stuck with the gift now, it won’t be that way forever. Catalogue the gift, writing down who gave it to you and when you got it.

After a period of time, you’ll be able to get rid of the unwanted present. Experts generally recommend holding onto an unwanted gift for around a year before you get rid of it. Cataloging its information will help you to ensure you don’t re-gift it to someone you shouldn’t, as well as let you know how long you’ve held on to it.

Whether you need to hold on to an unwanted gift due to sentimental reasons or because you don’t want to offend the giver, the above tips can help. You might be stuck with the gift right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a little more. If you really can’t stand to look at the gift, hide it away and forget about it until the gift-giver pops by. You could also arm yourself with a list of excuses you can use for why they haven’t seen you use the gift yet if needed. 

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