What to Expect from a Kettlebell Class

If you’re interested in learning about kettlebell training, consider taking a class before buying your own kettlebell. A class can teach you the right form, help you know which kettlebell to buy, and let you know if you’re ready for one or not. So that you’re not totally unprepared, let’s talk about what to expect from a kettlebell class.

* Listen to the Instructor – The instructor (if they are good) will point out form problems for everyone. They may even point out someone who is doing it perfectly as a demonstration on how it should be done. Listen carefully as they can help save you from injury.

* Watch the Experienced – As you are learning, watch carefully the more experienced people and how they do the moves. You can’t learn if you’re not paying attention and asking questions when you can.

* Breathe Right – The right way to breathe should be going out during the hard part and in during the relaxed or easier part. This will help you avoid injury and keep your body full of oxygen. Another way to think of it is, “down is inhale, up is exhale”.

Kettlebell Workout Challenge

* Be Ready to Thrust That Pelvis – Your hips and buttocks are what’s going to be powering your workout with the kettlebell. You won’t be tucking your pelvis in; you’ll harm your back. The thrust is more like moving your hips forward, and at the top of the swing, your hips are under your shoulders.

* Expect a Warm-Up – A good instructor will work you slowly in the beginning so that you warm up your body before you get to the more intense moves. A lot of these exercises often feel very much like yoga but with a kettlebell.

* Expect to Sweat – These workouts are intense so you will get your heart rate up and you will sweat. Some classes purport to burn as much as 1200 calories in an hour, so that should give you some insight into the intensity you can reach.

* Learn Technique and Form – The instructor is there to ensure that no one gets injured, and form is an important way to avoid injury. You’ll learn some basic exercises after the warm-up, which will be used throughout the entire workout as you follow along with the instructor.

* A Total Body Workout – When you’re done, you’re going to be amazed at what a total body workout using the kettlebell can become if you do the right moves. If you made it through your first class, don’t stop; you’re on the path to exercise greatness.

Finally, expect to find a new exercise that you love. While it can be very challenging and not everyone can do it from day one due to lack of core strength, everyone can work toward doing it. And once you reach that milestone with your kettlebell, anything is possible when working out as often as possible.

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