What does Going Green Exactly Mean?

Going green is commonly associated with recycling. While that is a great first start the terms “going green” have a lot more involved. In a nutshell, going green means living a life in a manner that is friendly to the environment around us, preserving the plant as well as it natural resources. Below are five principles that can help you best understand the going green lifestyle.

Reduce Pollution

Going green means practicing the reduction of pollution also known as the release of toxins into the environment. The average person’s day to day life will involve the releasing of some toxic substances into the environment. While it may be hard in this day and age to never release toxins, there are things you can do to reduce it. This might mean getting food from local farmers, taking less shopping trips, burning less gas, or even purchasing a more efficient vehicle.

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Conserve Resources

Going green means to conserve the natural resources we have here on earth. As the population of humans continues to grow and technology continues to advance it makes for more consumption of earth’s natural resources. In a developed country such as the United States, this has quickly grown to a serious problem. It is best to learn how to use only what you need as well as be considerate when consuming things. Keep in mind that humans are not the only ones here and the rest of nature needs resources too. However, if you have to make purchases, be mindful of what you choose to buy. Choose products that are proven to be safe for the environment. By using environmentally friendly products you can reduce the amount of resources needed and pollution generated.

Conserve Energy

Another key component to going green is to conserve energy. US households consume tons of energy with their appliances. Things as simple as turning off the light and using energy efficient appliances can help to preserve the sources of energy we have including oil, natural gas, and coal.

Reduce Consumption and Waste

When going green it means to try and significantly reduce consumption and waste. In this case reduce, reuse, and recycle are key. By reducing the amount of things we use through reusing and recycling, we’re doing our part to help the planet. The more you can do, the better it is for the planet which is why recycling is highly emphasized.

Protect the Ecological Balance of the Earth

Last of the five principles of green living is to protect the ecological balance of earth. This is referring to the equilibrium that is created as a result of living organisms co-existing. This includes plants, animals, and human beings living on earth. Allowing the balance to tip means that all organisms are highly impacted in a negative way. So in essence protecting the earth’s equilibrium means actively seeking ways to keep co-existence amongst plants, animals, in humans in perfect harmony.

Now that you have a better understanding of going green, being researching ways that you can cut back and help save this planet.

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