Walking Tips for Seniors

No matter what age you are, walking delivers a lot of awesome benefits. However, it becomes particularly beneficial for seniors who need to partake in regular gentle exercise.

If you are planning on using walking to improve your fitness in older age, there are some tips you can follow. Here, you’ll discover some of the best walking tips for seniors to help you get the most out of this beneficial exercise.

Don’t Forget to Warm Up and Cool Down

Walking may be a gentle form of exercise, but it can still cause muscle strain and injuries if you don’t warm up and cool down.

A good warm-up helps to prepare the body for exercise. It delivers nutrients and oxygen to the tissues, making the muscles more reactive and pliable. The cool-down on the other hand, reduces the amount of lactic acid build-up. This helps to prevent aches and pains that can be common after exercising.

Choose a Familiar Route

 When planning your walks, make sure you choose a familiar route. Ideally, it shouldn’t have many obstacles and you’ll know your surroundings. While exploring new areas is great for the soul, you’ll want to make sure you have a walking buddy if you’re trying somewhere new.

If you do go on an unfamiliar route by yourself, there is a chance you could get lost, or find yourself in difficulty depending upon the terrain.

Don’t Overdo It

Like with any age group, you shouldn’t overdo it when you go walking. Never try to do more than you can comfortably handle. It’s easy to forget when you set out on a walk that you have to walk the exact same distance back. So, if you venture too far, you may struggle to walk all the way back again.

You need to build your muscles up gradually. So, if you’re a complete beginner, consider starting off with just 10 minutes of walking a day, building it up slowly over time.

Make Sure You’re Wearing the Right Gear

If you want to enjoy a comfortable, pleasant walk, you’re going to need to make sure you’re wearing the right gear. This means ensuring you have appropriate shoes and clothing. Your footwear is especially important. It’s a good idea to invest in a pair of dedicated walking shoes to prevent painful blisters.

Remember that as you walk, your body will get hotter. You’ll find it a good idea to wear layers so you can take one off if you do start getting too hot. Other gear you’ll find useful includes hats, sunglasses and breathable sportswear.

Make Safety Your Number One Priority

Finally, if you’re walking alone it’s important to consider your safety. Make sure you have a smartphone with you that is fully charged before you set off. This will prove invaluable if you need to call for help. If you’ll be walking at night, wearing visible clothing is a good idea. You’ll also want to make sure you stop and take a break if you notice your feet starting to hurt.

Overall, walking is a great exercise you can do in older age. It is a gentle yet effective form of exercise that does wonders for your health and wellbeing. Just remember to keep the tips above in mind if you do plan on adding walking into your daily routine.

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