Tooth Care For Babies

Being a new parent can be exhilarating. Experiencing everything your child does for the first time makes being a parent worth all of the trials faced. Seeing your child’s first step, hearing their first giggle, seeing their first tooth, all of these milestones spread a smile across the face of any parent.

A child’s teeth require a lot of care because the health of their first set of teeth will affect the health of their adult teeth later in life. The first tooth becomes visible around the age of six months old. Getting all of their teeth could take between a year to two years after the first tooth has seen. The time depends completely on the child and their individual development.

When your child begins getting their first teeth, they may experience some pain. Typically, a baby seems irritable and anxious. They require their parent’s comfort through this difficult time in life. It can be very confusing to experience pain without understanding why. It allows you to become more aware of the symptoms of natural teething and the benefits of a parents love in helping their child get through the pain.

What are the Symptoms of Teething?

The symptoms of teething can range from baby to baby. However, there are some generalized symptoms associated with teething that almost every baby goes through.

* Increase in saliva flow
* Inflammation of the gums
* Red cheeks
* Low-grade fever
* Increased thirst

Because of the symptoms babies exhibit during teething, it is important to keep an eye on them and ensure they do not put their hands, or any foreign object in their mouth. Not only do babies like to put anything they can reach in their mouth, emerging teeth can pose a risk of cutting their fingers.

The symptoms of teething can appear several weeks before you notice your baby is teething. You will be able to confirm the problem when your baby develops a little white bump under the gum, which is the tooth trying to poke through gum. Shortly after, you will see a thin white line on the gum surface, which is the enamel of your baby’s first tooth. This is commonly referred to as “breeding the teeth.”

So how can a parent help their child through the pain and irritation of tooth eruption? The first thing you must do is for yourself. Realize that the situation is nothing to stress out about. It is a natural process that every child must go through, and the situation will turn out just fine in the end. Remind yourself of this when your baby is dealing with teething pain, it will help you prevent mental frustration and exhaustion during this difficult time.

When your baby is fussy from teething pain, taking them into a well-ventilated area may help. Getting fresh air, and a little bit of sunlight can help boost their mood and help relieve pain. You can also provide milk on a regular basis. The proteins in milk ensure the gums remain elastic, moist, and relaxed. Even though you want to provide milk on a regular basis, you do not want to overdo it, too much milk can cause a heaviness in the tummy, causing the development of a second problem that will make your baby fussier.

From the start of teething pain, you will want to use natural remedies to help your baby with the pain. Over-the-counter pain relief gel can harden the gums, making it more difficult for teeth to push through, increasing pain. Babies teeth easier on items like scraped licorice root, or flat teething ring to help with the pain. Rub the gums with your finger to help the tooth push its way through.

Unfortunately, many parents take baby teeth for granted because babies get a second set of teeth later in life. However, your child will not start getting another set of teeth until they are around six-years-old. From the moment the first tooth beings to erupt, good dental hygiene should begin.

Parents should immediately be concerned about tooth decay. There is are a number of toothpastes on the market with xylitol as an active ingredient, which poses less risk than fluoride toothpaste. Taking care of your baby’s teeth is not as big of a challenge as teaching them lifelong oral hygiene habits. The first set of teeth allows them the experience of learning to chew their food properly, and how to care for their teeth the right way. By instilling good oral hygiene, you are setting your child up for a lifetime of being healthy and strong.

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