When you make a commitment to start using eco-friendly and cruelty-free products, don’t feel as if you need to toss everything you have and start over. Instead, make the change gradually so that you don’t waste anything. After all, if you toss it, it’s still in a landfill, and if you give it away it’s still being used. You may as well use it, then replace it over time.
* Read the Labels – One thing to keep in mind is that even if you bought something last month that was fine, they might change their formulation if they’ve not sought any cruelty-free or vegan certification. Read the labels every single time.
* Check the PETA Website – When you’re not sure about something, the PETA.org website is an excellent place to look. Some things there may be controversial, but they do keep updated information on products.
* Go with Vegan Brands – Most vegan brands are also cruelty free, so if it’s vegan, you can be sure that it’s going to be considered cruelty free too. A lot of times you’ll see the vegan symbol with the leaping bunny symbol.
* Shop Where They Promise to Only Sell Cruelty-Free – Get to know stores and brands so that you can shop only where they promise to sell items that are cruelty-free. Then you don’t have to worry as much.
* Look for Certification – A company needs to apply for cruelty-free certification to get it. They must adhere to stringent rules to comply. Again, look for the leaping bunny symbol for internationally recognized cruelty-free products.
* There’s an App for That – Check out apps for your smartphone or mobile device. You can probably find one on the Leaping Bunny site(https://www.leapingbunny.org/), along with shopping guides and other information to help you buy cruelty-free products.
* Find a Shopping Guide – Sites and organizations like Humane Decisions (http://www.humanedecisions.com/cruelty-free-shopping-guide/) have guides to help you find cruelty free products. The good thing about these guides is that they typically are good about keeping them up to date as well as ensuring they send out a newsletter if a company changes.
* Double-Check Your Essentials – Remember that things like toothpaste, dental floss, and so forth can also be a problem when it comes to cruelty-free products, not just your makeup. Try to move toward cruelty-free in everything you buy, and it’ll also be great for the environment.
Shopping for cruelty-free products is not difficult today. There are so many great brands and choices, with more coming out every single day. Long gone are the days you had to just do without. Nowadays you can even find bee-free honey made from apples and makeup made from fruit. Plus, finding the ingredients to make your own is no longer hard either. For this reason, you can be picky, shop cruelty-free, and still be spoiled and look fabulous.