Things To Avoid For Eco-Friendly Shoppers

Shopping in an eco-friendly way can help you lower your carbon footprint and put more money in your pocket. When you learn to shop mindfully and thoughtfully a lot of good will come out of it, and you won’t feel as if you’re doing without either.

  • Out of Season Food – It’s normal to want to buy things out of season because we’re used to it. However, eating in season is not only better for your health, but it’s better for the environment. When you eat seasonally, you’re usually also eating locally. Eating locally cuts down on transportation issues as well as inspection needs since it’s being grown locally on smaller farms.
  • Using New Plastic Bags – Don’t let them put your items inside new plastic bags. You can always put the items in your shopping cart and put them right in your car without a bag if you forget your reusable bags.
  • Too Much Packaging – Some things just have a ridiculous amount of packaging. This is especially true with processed food. However, it can also happen with other items like socks, underwear, and even makeup. Check the packaging and if it’s too much write the company and ask them to create more sustainable packaging for their items so that you can buy them.
  • Pre-Washed Items – Those pre-washed and pre-cut items in the plastic containers really aren’t worth the price. It doesn’t take long to prepare food and store it in reusable containers. The price is usually many times over what it costs to buy the uncut and unwashed variety.
  • Impulse Buys – Always take a list so you can avoid impulse buys. You should know what you’re doing with anything you’re thinking of buying. If you have no idea what you’re going to do with it, don’t buy it. The cute top that’s on sale that doesn’t match anything you have and isn’t really a great deal. (Neither is that candy bar.)
  • Frequent Shopping – Try to arrange your shopping trips so that they’re further between than closer. The less often you shop, the fewer items you’re going to buy especially those impulse buys that sometimes happen.
  • Plastic Diapers – If you have a baby in diapers consider using cloth diaper that you wash yourself in your own washer and dryer. Even some of the cloth diapering apparatus that is offered now is too much and more than you need.
  • Overly Processed Food – Any food that comes in a box is likely over processed. Chips, crackers, cookies, and premade items have so much packaging plus too much salt and preservatives to be good for you anyway.
  • Fad Items – It’s tempting to buy the latest fad items. However, do you really need them? How long is the fad going to last? What will happen to the item when the fad is over? Consider how many retired individuals, who are downsizing, are having a very hard time getting rid of items they thought were collectibles – they’re finding out these things are worth nothing and their kids don’t want them either. Think hard before buying anything.

If you want to reduce your effects on the environment and be able to save more money while earning the same, consider using eco-friendly shopping practices and avoid things that aren’t eco-friendly. You’ll put more money in your pocket and feel good about what you do buy.

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