The Most Important Kettlebell Exercises You Can Do

There are numerous exercises and moves you can do with your kettlebell. However, there are a few that you should learn to do first, such as the basic deadlift and the kettlebell swing. Once you build your strength with these, you can move on to more advanced moves. Remember, form is your most important asset when using your kettlebell.

Russian Kettlebell Swing

This is the basic kettlebell exercise that you will begin with. You need to be able to do this to do any of the rest of the workout. Focus on this one until you get it right and move on to the next. To do this exercise properly, watch this YouTube video: =>

Stand up straight. Feet apart (slightly wider than shoulder-width). Grab the kettlebell handle with both of your hands. Your palms are facing inward toward your body. Bend your knees slightly to lower your body.

This will cause your hips to go back. Now drive your hips forward as you swing the kettlebell with straight arms. Do not go above shoulder height but reach for that height. Keep your glutes and your core tight and engaged.

Sumo Squat

Another basic move – you simply once again bend at the knees and grab the kettlebell between your legs with both of your hands. Remember to keep your back straight and engage your core. Push your hips back, bend your knees, squat. But only go as low as you can; don’t force it.

You can see how this exercise works better on this YouTube video: =>

Notice how important form is when you do these moves. It’s more important to get your form right than to do more.

Kettlebell Figure Eight

This one move works your core and hamstrings, and gets your heart rate up too. It’s a more advanced move, so ensure that you are good on the basic moves before you move forward to this one. This move was developed by Ben Wegman of The Fhitting Room in NYC ( Watch the video to learn this move: =>

kettlebell workout
The Core Kettlebell Challenge

The Ultimate Fat Burner

Actually, this is just kettlebell single handed swings. When you do this move, you work out your shoulders, back, core, glutes, quads, and hamstrings. Very challenging for core muscles and for your hands to grip. You can learn how to do this exercise by watching the video: =>

It’s essential to maintain a flat back, not lift with your shoulder, and to keep your neck straight to avoid injury.

Kettlebell Deadlifts

This just involves holding the kettlebell in front of you and lifting it with the right form with your arms straight, not going over shoulder height. Throughout the move, your core and buttocks should be engaged and tight. This video explains the full movement better: =>

The reason you want to watch videos is to ensure you do the moves right. Form is everything, so don’t leave that to chance.

Russian Kettlebell Twist

This is a floor workout for your core, especially your abs and obliques. Start this move by sitting on the floor with your feet right in front of you. Hold the kettlebell to your chest, raising your feet up off the floor and keep them right there in the air. Twist from side to side, tapping the kettlebell on the floor (if you can) on each side of your hips. Do three sets of 10. Here’s a video to show you how: =>

The truth is, the most important kettlebell exercises are the ones that you have chosen based on the goals that you have for your fitness. If you have deficiencies you want to work on, weight to lose, or muscle to build, all that matters when you choose your workouts.

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