The Laws On Making and Selling Your Own Wine

Making your own wine can be much more than a simple hobby. Once you know what you are doing, you may be looking to sell your creations. The question is, is it legal to make and sell your own wine?

Here, we’ll look at the legalities of making and selling your own wine, and the things you’ll need to consider.

Is It Legal to Sell Homemade Wine?

While you can legally make up to 200 gallons of wine per two-person household, unfortunately it is illegal to sell it without formal permission. The quantity also drops to 100 gallons for those living alone.

If you do want to sell the wine you create, you’re going to need a number of permits. Firstly, you’ll need to apply to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau to seek their approval. You also need to know how the business will be structured. For example, are you going to create a winery, or will you be selling it in smaller quantities?

It’s important to research the legalities before you get started. You’ll need to wait for your permits before you can sell it legally. You may find it best to seek expert advice. That way, you’ll know exactly how the process works and they can help you to apply for any permits you do need.

Understanding Your State’s Laws

Like with most things, the laws relating to selling your own wine vary from state to state. This means you are going to need to research specific laws in the state where you reside, as well as understand other state laws if you plan on selling it throughout multiple states.

Some states have much stricter rules you need to adhere to. However, most require a permit before you can get started. You only don’t need permits if you plan on using the wine for personal use with friends and family.

Breaking the law regarding the sale of alcohol can lead to pretty harsh consequences. So, it’s always worth taking the time to familiarize yourself with the rules.

Is It Worth Selling Your Own Wine?

Due to the fact that you do need to jump through quite a few hoops to sell your own wine, is it worth it? This will depend upon how serious you are about turning it into a business.

You’ll need to make sure your wines are high quality and meet all safety standards. There is also bottle labelling to be aware of and a strict set of rules to follow. So, you should only get into this type of business if you are serious about doing it.

Setting up an actual winemaking business is expensive and time-consuming. For most people, simply making their own wine to enjoy with friends and family is enough. Therefore, before you decide whether or not to sell it, think about the cost and effort of turning it into a business.

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