Strength Training in Older Age

If you think strength training is reserved for the younger generation, think again. In older age, strength training can prove invaluable at keeping the joints protected. There are a lot of benefits this type of training provides and there are numerous ways to make it a gentler form of exercise.

Here, you’ll discover what strength training is, the benefits it provides and some tips you can follow when starting out. 

What Is Strength Training?

Strength training is used to build up the muscles to improve strength and endurance.

There is a misconception that it is only ideal for those who want to look like bodybuilders. However, the truth is that strength training doesn’t automatically give you huge muscles. You have to lift very heavy weights for long periods of time in order to achieve the bulked-up look.

You can use either tools such as dumbbells, or your own body weight to achieve desired results.

What Are the Benefits?

There are a lot of benefits of strength training for seniors. As we age, our muscle mass automatically starts to decrease. The metabolism slows down, and the joints start to stiffen. While these may be natural changes to our bodies, they can cause a lot of health issues which can make life a lot harder.

Just some of the benefits of strength training in older age include:

  • Helps prevent bone fractures
  • Improves mobility
  • Helps build up more muscle mass
  • Reduces the risk of chronic illness
  • Benefits your mental health

Trips and falls are unfortunately a common occurrence in seniors. Without strength training, your bones and joints might not be strong enough to prevent a serious injury. So, the fact that strength training can reduce the chances of you suffering a bone fracture alone makes it worthwhile.

Strength training can also help to keep you mobile, boosting your independence. You’ll become stronger and as muscle fights fat effectively, it can also reduce your chances of chronic illnesses.

Mental health issues can also be a concern in older life. With regular strength training, you’ll notice you feel happier and the symptoms of mental health conditions will be reduced.

Tips for Strength Training as You Age

While there are a lot of benefits of strength training, it’s important to ensure you’re doing it safely. Familiarizing yourself with the right techniques and equipment you’ll need is essential.

To make sure you work out your entire body, try to target a different muscle group each time you do it. Make sure you give your body plenty of rest between exercises and never do more than your body tells you. If you push yourself too hard, you’ll cause yourself an injury.

Ideally, you’ll want to attend a local senior strength-training class. However, you can also find good workouts online. By partaking in regular strength-training sessions, you’ll gradually build up your strength, mobility and independence. It can also make you feel safer as you won’t be as frail and easily overpowered. So, if you’re looking for the best types of exercise to do in older age, strength training is definitely something to consider.

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