Reasons Why Birdwatching Is So Popular

Did you know that there are over 45 million Americas who are into birdwatching? In many places, it’s a lot more popular than other types of hobbies. It’s evident that it’s that popular because entire tourist businesses are set up (and are very profitable) just for guiding and running tours and planning fantastic birding holidays.

Birds Are Everywhere

You don’t need to do anything special to get started with birdwatching. You can do it from your home by inviting birds into your backyard. You can also go to your local parks and watch birds without having to go on a fancy tour. In addition, you can do it on vacation because you can be sure that there is at least one birdwatching tour anyplace you want to vacation.

It Gets You Back to Nature

Being in nature is something that brightens the spirit and improves the mood. If you want to be in a good mood, take up birding. You must get up before sunrise, which means you’re going to experience the sunrise in every location you want to birdwatch. This is going to make you feel great.

It’s an Easy and Adaptable Hobby

Because you can do it in any state, regardless of weather, it’s easy to adapt this hobby to your needs. Even if you have special needs, accommodations can be made for anyone who wants to birdwatch.

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It’s Not That Expensive (Unless You Want It to Be)

Sure, there are items you can buy that are super-expensive that you can use during birding, but you don’t need them. You only need good shoes, water, and a trail (and maybe bug repellent). Then you can get started right away on day one watching birds.

You Meet New Friends

Being social is important for humans. But if you’re an introvert, the fact that a lot of people are involved with birdwatching might, at first, seem like a turnoff. But guess what – birdwatchers are very serious about what they’re doing, which means that during the hike most people are silent and watching and listening. You can talk at the bookstore, coffee shop, or library after.

You Can Do It All Year

Birds exist regardless of the weather. That means that you can birdwatch all year long and in all types of weather if you know what to look for.

It Engages the Entire Brain

Birdwatching is an exceptionally healthy hobby because you’re outside moving, and you’re also reading and learning, and probably taking notes, drawing, and making sounds that birds make. This engages your entire brain and keeps it healthy.

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Birdwatching Promotes Conservation

Once you learn about how to attract birds to your yard, signs of problems in a habitat start becoming more noticeable. This means you’re going to start being more concerned with ensuring their habitats stay clean and safe, which is going to naturally get you involved with promoting conservation.

All types of people at all skill and physical levels enjoy birdwatching. There are so many different directions you can take your hobby, that the best thing you can do is just get started – perhaps by going on a local tour first.

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