Which Materials Are Best for a Sustainable Home?

Finding sustainable materials for your home requires that you develop an understanding of manufacturing processes. Even the materials listed can become not so sustainable if the growers and manufacturers aren’t using eco-friendly practices, so check out any company you want to buy from first. Bamboo Bamboo fiber is an excellent material to use for carpets, … Read more

Why Become an Animal Educator

An animal educator teaches others about animals, as well as often trains animals and helps them learn something or become accustomed to their environment. If you worked in a zoo, you’d teach visitors about the animals at the zoo and promote conservation efforts. You might also be involved in training the animals. Animal educators often … Read more

What Nutrients Do Dried Fruits Contain and How Do They Compare with Fresh Fruits?

While fresh fruits are considered the most nutritious, there are also a lot of nutrients packed into dried fruits. All types of dried fruits provide some level of nutritional benefits. However, some are known to be much better for the body than others. Here, we’ll look at what nutrients dried fruits contain and whether or … Read more

Eco-Friendly Labels: Can They Be Trusted?

Reading labels is an important part of shopping that ensures you are only spending your money in a way that supports your personal ideals and values. Sadly, the more new symbols and assurances that are created, the harder deceptive product sellers work to fool their buyers.  If you want to ensure that you choose eco-friendly … Read more