Walking Tips for Seniors

No matter what age you are, walking delivers a lot of awesome benefits. However, it becomes particularly beneficial for seniors who need to partake in regular gentle exercise. If you are planning on using walking to improve your fitness in older age, there are some tips you can follow. Here, you’ll discover some of the … Read more

Why Parenting Teens Can Be Such a Challenge

Remember how challenging and exhausting the toddler stage was? When you’re parenting a teenager, there are moments when you’d give anything to go back to those simpler times! Parenting teens can be a real challenge. You’ve heard the horror stories, but nothing can really prepare you for the struggles to come. So, why are teens … Read more

Ways to Stay Motivated

In order to reach your goals and maintain a daily routine, you need to maintain a good level of motivation. While initially, motivation is usually easy to find, after a while it’s common to start to lose it. Once your motivation levels drop, you’ll struggle to stay on track. The question is, how can you … Read more

Triggering Your Audience’s Sense of Urgency

If you want to achieve higher sales figures and increase conversations, triggering your audience’s sense of urgency is important. When they think they have to take immediate action, for example, they will have less time to think themselves out of the purchase. If you add a sense of urgency into your marketing, your audience will … Read more

How Reciprocity Persuades Consumers to Take Action

When it comes to attracting new customers, reciprocity can prove to be extremely effective. The term has become well-known thanks to the six principles of persuasion by Dr. Robert Cialdini. Reciprocity is just one of the six principles mentioned, but what does it mean and how can it benefit your sales? Here, we’ll look at … Read more