How to Get More Quiet and Nature in Your Life

green leafed trees

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to beating information overload, is simply escaping the incessant bombardment of notifications, entertainment and stimulation. It’s no wonder we’re all so wired and tired when we spend our days writing against the clock under sterile lights fuelled by coffee and our evenings blowing things up on an … Read more

Common Meanings Of Cat Behavior

close up photo of cute sleeping cat

A lot of people think that cats work on their own agenda, not paying much attention to their owner – provided they have clean litter, food, and water. Cats can behave in odd manners at times, which can easily confuse their owners and make it really hard to determine what the cat wants. As much … Read more

Things to Avoid at an Eco-Friendly Kids’ Party

kids looking at the birthday celebrant while making a wish

Do’s and Don’ts Now that people are more conscious about the impact on the environment of plastic and other non-biodegradable items, they are becoming more alert as to what they can do to help the environment. Parties can be a time of over-consumption and great waste. Reusing, recycling and repurposing can all help cut down … Read more

Eco-Friendly Party Ideas for Younger Kids

girl whispering to boys ear at birthday party in garden

There are many ways to throw an eco-friendly party for younger kids. Go beyond the princesses and superheroes, to some favorite animal characters. Themes Any animal-related theme will do. Take inspiration from some of the latest films, like The Lion King, the Madagascar series, or even Ice Age if you want to include ancient animals. … Read more