Making Your Own Perfume with Essential Oils

Today most perfumers don’t use essential oils in their fragrances because of the expense. However, you can easily make your own perfumes that are high quality at home and that do use this important ingredient. You’ll be less likely to get a headache, the fragrance is lighter so you won’t bother others, and it’s just better for you.

Roller Ball Perfume

One fun way to make perfume is to use a roller ball. You don’t need much to make it. Just get a dark amber or blue roller bottle, your essential oil of choice, and some no-scent carrier oil. Some good choices for the carrier oil are jojoba oil, almond oil, or coconut oil. The important thing is not to choose something that has a scent that will take away from the scent you’re working toward.

It’s Easy

All you do now is put a couple drops of essential oil into the bottle, then add some of the carrier oil to dilute. Start with five to six drops essential oil per ounce of carrier oil. Add more as needed to get the fragrance you prefer. It can take some experimentation to get it right, but it is a fun way to spend some time.

Make Small Batches

You want to make smaller batches over bigger batches. Essential oils break down very easily, especially once they’ve been put into a carrier oil. Making smaller amounts and then using them up before making more is the best way to ensure quality.

Consider More Than Fragrance

Perfume making with essential oils is a great way to smell good, but there is more to it than that. When you add in the fact that using essential oils will help you with different issues, you’ll be able to try new oils that you never thought of before based on what they treat.

Try Different Carriers and Different Oils

Carrier oils and essential oils both have healing properties. While some do overlap, you may want to focus on your own symptoms and the therapeutic effect you’re hoping for as you pick your oils. Fragrance should be pleasant, so make sure you smell each thing before adding it. You may also want to try mixing the essential oils before adding to the carrier oil to make sure you have the right fragrance.

Making your own perfume with essential oils is not just fun, but it can also be beneficial to your health. Pick the oils that treat something you have, the carrier oils that also have benefits, and not only will you smell good but you’ll be healthier too.

Making your own perfume can also be a fun way to provide gifts to your family with high-quality health ingredients that you know won’t be a problem for them. Plus, you can incorporate the oils that you know are best for their health and needs.

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