It’s Never Too Late To Get Fit: Inspirational Figures Who Started Late

When you get older, it’s easy to accept that you’re going to be weaker, slower and less fit. However, these days you’re never too old to maintain a regular exercise routine.

There are loads of inspirational figures out there who started exercising late in life. Here, we’ll look at just some examples of inspirational older people who prove age is nothing but a number.

Wendy Ida, 68

Wendy Ida is a 68-year-old fitness trainer. This in itself is an impressive feat, but when you consider she didn’t start her fitness journey until the age of 43, you realize just how inspirational she is.

Wendy believes that it is never too late to take back your fabulous. She works with all ages and has been described as “America’s #1 expert living fit, fierce and fabulous”. She has a best-selling book and has won the National Champion top trophy award eight times in NPC Bodybuilding.

When it comes to older fitness, Wendy is a true inspiration to thousands of people.

Joan Macdonald, 73

73-year-old Joan Macdonald from Ontario has recently become an internet sensation. She has wowed the world by losing 29 kilos and building up her muscles. The fitness sensation is proving to be an inspiration for thousands of people after her YouTube videos went viral.

She states that being older doesn’t mean your body can’t be pushed. The key to her success, she says, is to surround yourself with knowledgeable people. She started her fitness journey just a few years ago, proving that you don’t have to be young and spritely to stay trim.

Johanna Quaas, 91

It was in June 2017 that Johanna Quaas wowed the world with her gymnastics performance in Germany. At 91 years of age, she holds the current Guinness World Record for being the oldest gymnast. Most impressively, she has held this title for a staggering 12 years.

While Johanna was fit and active in her younger years, she fell out of exercise after having a family. It wasn’t until she was 56 that she started to get back into competitive athletics.

Charles Eugster, 97

 Although body building isn’t generally recommended for seniors, 97-year-old Charles Eugster proved it can be done. When he was studying at university, Charles was part of a strong rowing team. However, as his professional career started to take off when he was older, his fitness routine started to falter. It wasn’t until he was aged 63 that he wanted to get back in shape.

By the age of 91, he had gone on to win 40 gold medals at the World Rowing Masters. He sadly passed away in 2017, leaving behind an impressive legacy.

These are just four shining examples of people who have taken to fitness later in life. You only have to do a quick online search to find more inspirational seniors taking on the world of fitness. No matter what your age, it is never too late to get back into exercise.  

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