Ideas for Activities around Christmas Day

It’s finally here! You and the family have been building yourselves up ready for Christmas Day and it’s finally arrived. However, rather than fall into the trap of spending all day lazing around, why not take part in some Christmas Day activities?

You don’t have to do anything too strenuous. There are lots of fun activities you and the kids can do to have an even more magical experience. To give you a little inspiration, below you’ll discover some fab ideas for activities you can do around the day itself.

Play a Board Game Together

Board games are an excellent activity for families, especially on Christmas Day. You can get together and have hours of fun playing against one another. There are literally hundreds of board games out there so it shouldn’t be difficult to find some all the family can enjoy.

You could even turn it into a tradition to play a board game every Christmas. Spend a little time looking for board games online and if you want to make it extra Christmassy, look for a festive-themed game you can all play.

Watch an Old Christmas Movie

If you really can’t find the motivation or energy to play games after cooking, why not sit down together and watch an old Christmas movie? While newer movies are also good, you’ll find the older movies provide great nostalgia, particularly for older members of the family.

The great thing about watching an older Christmas movie together is that you’ll also get to share your childhood experiences with the kids. Children today are often interested in the things their parents and grandparents used to do and watch. So, if you’re looking for a more relaxing activity you can do, throwing on old Christmas movies is a great idea.

Play the Santa Hat Game

Wearing a Santa hat at Christmas automatically adds extra fun to the day. However, did you know you can also turn it into a little game?

Get everyone a Santa hat and pin the name of a famous Christmas character onto them. The goal of the game is to ask questions to find out whose name is pinned to your hat. You can tailor the names to match the age range of everyone playing to make it easier.

Cook Together

There’s no getting away from the fact that you have a lot of cooking to do on Christmas Day. However, rather than spend hours alone in the kitchen, why not bring in the whole family to help?

Cooking Christmas dinner as a family can be a great bonding experience. It also significantly cuts down the amount of time you’ll spend in the kitchen. So, assign everyone certain jobs to do in the kitchen and enjoy a more relaxing cooking experience.

Sing Christmas Carols

Finally, a great activity you and the family can do together on the big day, is sing Christmas carols. Pick your favorite songs and get together in the afternoon or early evening to sing them. If anybody plays an instrument in the family, they can also play along if they want to. This is a fun activity that everyone will enjoy.

With so many great activities you can do, you can have hours of fun with the family on Christmas Day. The above are just a small selection of ideas you can use for inspiration.

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