HVAC Maintenance Tips to Save Money

HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. As with many other appliances, it will work best if you maintain it, keeping it running efficiently for years and hopefully also saving you money on your electricity bills for your home and/or office.

There are several important components that need to be maintained, including the condenser and compressor. Any time you buy a new unit, always read the manufacturer’s instructions on the care and maintenance schedule they suggest. If you can’t find the booklet, go online to see if you can download one for your model.

Here are some quick and easy ways you can keep your HVAC running smoothly and efficiently so you can save money.

Replace or Clean Your Air Filters

This enables your HVAC to draw in air more easily, which it can then use to cool your home. Some filters are intended to be replaced regularly. This will cost money, but will usually pay for itself by lowering the power used because your HVAC won’t have to work so hard. Other filters are intended to be washed.

You should replace or wash filters about every two to three months, or every month if anyone in your home tends to suffer from allergies.

Clear Debris and Plants Away from Your Outside Unit

If your unit is tucked away behind the house, check it regularly to make sure there is no debris or plant life blocking its ability to draw air in. Plants in warm climates can grow very quickly and overrun your unit. Trim, prune or weed about two feet in each direction.

Always check in the fall as well, when the autumn leaves are gathering on the ground, and be careful about mowing the back lawn on a windy day. Also, check the unit after any storm with high winds.

Wash the Outside Unit

While you are out there checking, lightly wash the exterior of the unit to prevent mold and mildew. Don’t use a pressure washer, as that can damage the unit. Make sure the water drains well and is not pooling and standing around the unit, as this can also cause mold and mildew.

Check Your Drain Lines

These need to flow freely to maintain your air conditioning unit at its peak efficiency when you have it turned on. If they get clogged up with debris, mold, algae, or living creatures, you could get water backup and flooding in your home. Even worse, you could also expose the interior of your home to unclean air full of allergens like mold and mildew.

Check Your Thermostat Regularly

Set the thermostat and try to keep it at the same temperature so you can determine whether or not it is working properly. Don’t let everyone in the house set it. If you don’t have one already, get a programmable thermostat so everyone can stay comfortable and you will save money too.

Get Your HVAC Checked Regularly

Get it checked in spring and fall before the rush if you live in a seasonal climate. The last thing you want is a long wait for an appointment and/or not being able to use your unit if you live in a seasonal climate and the hot or cold weather arrives.

If you need A/C all year round because you live in a hot climate, check it twice a year or any time it feels as if it is not cooling enough despite you not having changed the temperature of the thermostat.

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