How to Use Social Media to Drive Traffic to Your Blog or Website

The main job of your social media platforms is to drive traffic to your blog, website, or other online real estate. Social media is a traffic-generating tool that you can use to get more eyes on your content and products if you know how to use it right. Using social media to drive traffic to your blog or website will be a lot easier when you realize how it all works together.

Optimize Your Profile

Your profile should include a great picture of you, links to relevant content, an audience-centered bio, and other information designed to draw your audience into your world in a way that feels good to them.

Each social media platform varies in terms of mood and feel. It’s important that you create a profile that both fits the platform and your own business in such a way that your audience automatically knows it’s you.

Engage with Your Audience Consistently

Setting up the profile is not enough. You really do need to engage with your audience on a regular and consistent basis. Answer questions, like their posts, share their information, thank them for sharing yours, and more. Anytime you can engage with them in a positive manner, you should do so.

Post Sharable Updates Regularly and Consistently

One way to get your audience interested once you have created the profile is to continually share your content and updates on the platform. If the content originates on your blog or other owned real estate, that is even better than having it start on the social media platform; it will help you get links back to the owned blogs, websites, and landing pages for products.

Make Your Content More Visual

The more visual your content on social media, the more likely it is to be shared. Videos, memes, and text posts with images attached, always work best to grab their attention. One thing to remember, though, is that if you post anything with words in it (even if it’s just a meme), you need to put the words in the text area of the post so that the search engines catch it. And also, just an aside but an important one, so that people with certain disabilities can also see it.   

Be Active When and Where Your Audience Is Active

Another way to get attention is to figure out when your audience is actively using the platform. That is when you want to post your content, go live on video, post your poll, or announce your contest. It may take some testing to figure out when they are there, but once you do, this is going to explode your results, getting links back to your blog or website.

Run Polls, Host Q & As, Contests and Other Buzz-Worthy Activity

This type of activity will get your audience’s attention because it looks different and will catch their eye. It’s important, though, to have a reason for doing any of this. You don’t want activity that has no direction. Know what your call to action is and you will succeed with these traffic-generating methods of polls, Q & As, contests and so forth.

Get to Know Your Competition

This may not seem to have much to do with you getting traffic, but it will give you a lot of good information. See what your competitors are doing, and do more of that and do it slightly better.

Work with Social Influencers

This is a super-fast way to boost your traffic even when you don’t have a lot of followers yourself. Contact several social media influencers to do something with you that gets the attention of your audience.

Social media is one of the very best traffic-generating tools that exist today. If you use social media correctly as the tool that it is, you’ll boost your traffic to your products, services, and website or blog, and improve your numbers exponentially.

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