How To Grow Your Own Citrus Plant

The cool thing about growing citrus, specifically lemons or limes, is that even if you don’t live in the right climate to grow your citrus outside, you can grow them in pots in the house. While it will take a couple years to get fruit from your plants, it’s very satisfying when it happens.

From a Seed

You can grow citrus from seed right in a pot at home. From oranges to grapefruit, to lemons, limes and all their variations, you can grow them from seed at home in a pot – or outside if you live in the right hot and warm climate. Using the right soil, you can open a lemon and put the seeds right in the soil.

From Cuttings

If you don’t have issues with foot rot in your area, you can grow from cuttings as well as you can from seed. Ensure that your soil is disease free before you start. It is often best to start fresh using potting soil from the store to ensure you don’t pass on disease that is in your area. Your cutting should not have fruit or flowers, and should of course be disease-free. You’ll need a six-inch cutting from the tip of a healthy branch, and then you’re in business.

Growth Stages

No matter what you want to grow, it’s imperative that you learn the various growth stages and how to handle them. It’s essential to understand the role of nutrients in different growth stages and how to care for your citrus plant. The four growth stages are flower bud induction, flowering, fruit set, and ripening.

Growing Indoors

While you can and should grow indoors, it’s important to remember that a citrus tree requires about eight to twelve hours a day of sunlight. Put your plant near a south-facing window to ensure that it gets the right light. If you need to, move the tree around to get the right amount of light.

Growing in Pots

You can use all types of containers to grow citrus. You’ll want to choose dwarf citrus plants, and you’ll need a container that is at least 24 inches across and deep to account for the roots and the needs of the plant for healthy growth. Keep it watered and fertilized, and don’t allow it to freeze if it’s outside. Make sure your citrus gets lots of sunlight.

You can grow lemons all year long if you have the right amount of sunlight and keep your plants well-watered at soil level. One tree can produce plenty of citrus for all your needs within about a year or two’s time.

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