How to Bring Back Romance with an At-Home Date Night

A lot of busy couples, especially those with children, find it really difficult to make time for romance. They are busy, tired, and lack the privacy in many cases to be able to prioritize romance. They might not have the money to get away for a romantic evening or overnight with their partner. Babysitters can be hard to find who will sit in your home, let alone theirs.

But it is possible to arrange an at-home date night if you plan ahead and are prepared to creative.

Childcare Respark The Romance

See if a relative can take the kids overnight. If not, ask one of the parents of the children they regularly spend time with if you could swap sleepovers, so you will get a night of privacy with your partner, and they can have the same. Book your dates in advance so everyone is clear about what is supposed to be happening.

Food and Drink

Nothing says romance to some couples more than a delicious meal. In some cases, they might also enjoy cocktails and champagne or wine during the evening.

For the liquor, you can visit a warehouse for the best prices. If you want cocktails, be sure to get the mixers needed. Also make plenty of ice and frost the glasses.

For food, you have a number of options. You could shop and cook a delicious meal you both enjoy. You could also try one of the meal kit clubs that sends everything you need to make a great meal at home for a fraction of the cost of dining out. The kits should come with all the fresh and dried ingredients, and a recipe card. You can choose from all different cuisines, such as Indian, Italian, Chinese, Thai and more. Round everything off with a decadent dessert.

A Night of Pampering

One thing most people enjoy, and which couples can find really intimate, is to massage each other. For this you need a good massage oil, such as sweet almond or coconut oil. Sweet almond is ideal as what is termed a carrier oil; you can use it with a few drops of aromatherapy oil such as rose or geranium for women, and lemon or cedarwood for men.

Coconut oil will have its own strong fragrance so it will not usually mix well with aromatherapy oils. However, it does have a huge advantage in that it will not get sticky and harder to rub the skin as with most carrier oils. The warmth of your hands and their skin will keep the oil smooth as long as you need it, and it is pretty tasty if you get any in your mouth accidentally.

Look up recipes for homemade shampoo, soap, sugar and salt scrubs and more.


Romantic means different things to different people, but there are several things most couples can generally agree get them relaxed and in the mood for quality time with their partner. Set the tone with flowers, such as roses, candlelight, aromatherapy, silk sheets, and whatever else your partner feels is romantic.


Thoughtful little gifts are an easy way to show you care. They can range from chocolate and lingerie, to perfume or aftershave, or even the latest bestseller you know the other person wants to read. The thought counts for a lot when it comes to romance.

Try these ideas for a lovely date night at home. All it takes is a bit of planning.

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