Fitness Tips for the Less Mobile

Keeping fit in older age can be challenging enough, but for those who are less mobile, it adds a whole new level of difficulty. Standard exercises are developed with the able-bodied in mind. So, how can you stay trim if you do suffer with mobility issues?

Here, you’ll discover some awesome tips you can follow.

Choose Low-Impact Cardio

If you aren’t confined to a wheelchair, low-impact cardio workouts are ideal. These help to improve endurance as well as burn fat and calories. Some great low-impact cardio exercises include aqua aerobics, walking and swimming.

The water is great to work out in for older people as it gently massages the muscles as you work them. It also reduces the impact on the joints, keeping them protected. So, if you do have mobility issues, check your local area to see if there is a senior water-based class you could sign up to.

Incorporate Strength Training into Your Routine

Even if you are wheelchair bound, you’ll still be able to perform some strength-training exercises. In fact, strength-training exercises can do wonders for aiding mobility. It can strengthen up the muscles and joints, making you better able to complete more tasks.

If you have limited mobility in the legs, focus on working your upper body. If you have issues with your shoulders, however, you’ll want to focus on your lower body. Basically, you’ll want to work out whichever part of the body is more mobile.

Work on Your Flexibility 

Prevent injury and enhance your range of motion with flexibility exercises. These include yoga poses and simple stretches. You’ll find that stretching the body, even with limited mobility, can help you to prevent further muscle atrophy.

If you take a look online, you’ll find a lot of senior flexibility exercises designed for those with limited mobility.

Start Slowly and Build Up Gradually

One of the main tips you should follow is to build up your exercises gradually. When you don’t have full mobility, it’s easy to let exercise slip. The trouble is, if you haven’t done any physical activity for a long period of time, you risk causing injury if you try to do too much too soon.

Start with easy, basic exercises. Aim to build up your exercise routine gradually as and when you feel you can do more.

Always Talk to Your Doctor before Exercising

Before starting any form of exercise, it’s important to speak to your doctor. They will be able to advise you of the best exercises to try out to meet your individual needs. Having a plan put together that addresses your specific mobility challenges will prove most effective. They can also carry out a fitness test to determine where you should start.

These are just some of the top fitness tips for the less mobile. Just because you have limited mobility, it doesn’t mean you can’t reap the benefits of regular exercise. Just remember to take it slowly and start out with very basic, gentle exercises.

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