Dried Fruit and Your Digestion

Dried fruits offer a variety of great health benefits. They are a healthy snack alternative, they can be used in a variety of sweet and savory dishes, and they provide a high nutritional content which closely matches that found in fresh fruits.

Having said that, like all foods, dried fruit can be harmful to health in excess. It can be particularly bad for the digestive system to consume excess levels of these fruits. However, when eaten in moderation, they can aid the digestive system.

Here, we’ll look into the effects dried fruit can have on digestion to help you avoid any potential issues and gain the most benefits from their consumption.

How Can Dried Fruits Aid Digestion?

As mentioned, dried fruits can actually aid digestion when eaten in moderation. Prunes are one of the best dried fruits you can consume for their digestive benefits. They contain fiber and nutrients that benefit the bifidobacterial makeup within the gut. These bacteria are known to be useful in maintaining a healthy digestive system.

All dried fruits contain some level of fiber. This means they can be really useful at clearing up issues such as constipation. They could also be used to relieve the symptoms of conditions such as IBS. Of course, this is only if they are eaten in moderation.

What Harmful Effects Could They Have?

When consumed in excess, dried fruits can actually have a more harmful effect on the digestive system. This is because too much fiber can cause numerous issues for the digestive tract, such as abdominal cramping, bloating and gas. Another unpleasant side effect is diarrhea.

If you’ve been told you need to increase your fiber intake, dried fruits can be great for this purpose. However, you’ll need to ensure you introduce them into the diet gradually to avoid developing these unpleasant digestive issues.

Other Potential Hazards of Overconsuming Dried Fruits

It isn’t just your digestive system you need to worry about when consuming dried fruits. If you eat too much of them, it can also lead to other issues such as weight gain, fatigue and tooth decay.

The high sugar content, particularly if you’ve chosen a brand with added sugars, can prove detrimental to health. They also contain a lot of calories in comparison to fresh fruits, making it easy to gain weight if you consume them frequently. In addition, they cause the blood sugar levels to spike, which means you’ll feel really fatigued rather than energized a little while after eating them.

Organic and home-dried fruits don’t contain the same level of sugars and chemicals as commercial options. Therefore, they are less likely to cause the same harmful effects. It’s easy enough to create your own if you are concerned about the ingredients of the commercial options.

As you can see, there are both pros and cons for the digestive system of eating dried fruits. Provided you eat them in moderation, you should find they have more of a positive impact on your gut. 

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