Different Types of Essential Oils

Essential oils are concentrated oils that have been extracted from plant matter like peelings, leaves, roots, and the whole plant. The oils are separated from the plant by one of three methods: distillation, extraction, or expression. The method used depends on the type of plant matter, with creators choosing to use the method that least damages the plant but gives the most results.

There are hundreds of different types of essential oils available to treat everything from everyday illnesses, to allergies, and more. They work by being inhaled or absorbed through the skin after proper dilution. You can use essential oils for treating all kinds of issues, from skin conditions to reducing muscle pain, and more.

The most common types of essential oils that people use are:

* Eucalyptus – Can be used for congestion and colds. Usually, you can add this to a steam inhalation or just smell it from the jar. It also makes a good tick repellent when diluted and rubbed on the skin in strategic spots.

* Lavender – A great oil to use before bed to help you relax and get to sleep faster. It also works for skin and scalp inflammation. Diluting it and then applying directly to the skin is the best way to treat skin issues.

* Lemon – Boosts energy. It’s common to add this to cleaners for the house and the body due to the energy boost and happy feelings associated with the smell of lemon. It works great for athlete’s foot and warts, and can even alleviate pain and help promote weight loss with a few inhales a day.

* Peppermint – This essential oil is perfect for helping you get rid of headaches. A tiny diluted bit placed on your temples will do the trick. You can even drop some on your tongue to give you fresh breath.

* Rose – Used for many years for menstrual cramps, but also as a topical treatment for acne, eczema, and rosacea. Some people swear by it mixed with coconut oil and rubbed on scars as a treatment to reduce scars.

* Rosemary – Want to be more focused? Try smelling rosemary essential oils. It’ll perk you up, reduce inflammation and stress and even reduce pain. It doesn’t hurt that it can repel bugs too.

* Tea Tree – A long known common treatment for scalp issues, fungus, and acne. It’s been used for lice, scabies, and ringworm too.

This is just barely scratching the surface. However, these are the most commonly used essential oils and is a good place to start learning about essential oils. These are also the easiest to find in almost any store in the USA, even Walmart.

However, the quality of what you buy is heavily dependent upon who makes them, so make sure you do your research so that you’re buying essential oils that meet third-party testing requirements. Don’t forget that you can also make your own if you want to be extra sure about what’s in that little bottle.

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