Choosing a Rug for Your Living Room

Picking the right living room rug can be difficult. And one thing to do before you even choose is save up your money. You want to pick the best rug that you can afford because you’ll be living with it for a long time. Even a cheap rug is expensive, so you might as well buy a good rug that will last and work with your décor and needs for a long time.

* Size – When you size a rug for your living room, the size depends on what type of living room you have. If it’s a straight up living room, you want to leave at least a few inches of the floor peeking through around it. If it’s a divided room or open concept home, then you may define the living room by putting the rug up under part of the sofa so that the coffee table is on it. But then it defines the other part of the room which may be a dining room or office.

* Color – When you pick the colors of your rug, they should complement the other colors in your décor. If the rest of your décor is bland, you may want to add a big pop of color with your rug. If the other colors are bold, you may want to tone it down in your rug.

* Design – The design on your carpet should match the type of design that you use in your home. You don’t want to put an old-fashioned rug in a sleek modern home. However, there are some good in-between choices you can use to mix the two choices together.

Living Room Rugs

* Shape – Rugs for living rooms come in all shapes. You can choose any of them depending on how big of a space it is and how you place the rug. Rug placement is super-important and there are many ways to do that. You can test out different types of placement by using packing paper cut and taped into the size and shape that you want to use.

* Texture – The texture of your rug matters a lot too. If your furniture has a lot of texture, you may want to do the opposite and use less texture on your living room rug. But, if your furniture is sleek and solid colors you may choose to go crazier on the texture of your rug. Whatever you decide, you do want to ensure it’s comfortable on bare feet.

* Décor – Understand your esthetics before picking a rug. Tons of patterns that compete, along with colors and styles of décor that compete, could come off looking tacky or confusing. You can mix décor, but you need to know how to do it by bringing in solid colors from a pattern before transitioning to a new pattern.

The right living room rug can make a huge difference in how your overall décor comes together in your home. Your living room is where your family will often spend a lot of time. And if you have a living room and a family room, it will be somewhere guests spend a lot of time, so you want it to look awesome and feel comfortable too.

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