Bedwetting Products That Can Help

You don’t have to deal with bedwetting the hard way. There are some great products that can help you deal with the mess. Nothing is going to stop the bedwetting but time. In the meantime, try these bedwetting products.

  • Moisture Alarms – There are bedwetting alarms that children can wear and lay on depending on the type you want to get. They can detect the loss of urine and wake up your child, so they can use the toilet.
  • Pull-Ups – This is a little controversial in some circles, but you can avoid the issue entirely by allowing your child to wear pull-ups at night. They should also be allowed to get up and change their pull-ups if they have an accident and wake in the night, to avoid infections.
  • Waterproof Undies – Outside of pull-ups, there are now waterproof undies that children can wear that will keep the wet away from their clothing and the mattress. The Bedwetting Store has many options for this type of underwear for bedwetters.
  • Waterproof Mattress Covers – Getting mattress covers that are waterproof is probably a good idea whether your child wets the bed or not. This can protect a mattress from all sorts of messes for years to come.
  • Pads and Mats – If you don’t want to change sheets every single night, you can get special mats that grip the bed and provide a waterproof layer between your child and the sheets. They have many that are easily washed and dried so you can get more than one and be covered for every single night.
  • Waterproof Sleeping Bags – If your child likes to spend the night with others but is afraid due to the bedwetting, provide them with cover in the form of waterproof sleeping bags. This is a good way for them not to worry, and they can roll up the bag to take home and wash without anyone knowing.
  • Easy-Change Clothing – Help your child take care of their own issues by setting up their room to make it easy for them to change their clothing in the middle of the night and go right back to bed without even disturbing you.
  • Fun Books – There are numerous books today about bedwetting that you can share with your older child. Reading these stories to them will help them feel less awkward and more accepted. Many bedwetters become very ashamed.

There are several products that can help you and your child cope with bedwetting in a way that is respectful and doesn’t cause harm to their mental and emotional development. After all, bedwetting is not usually a sign of anything wrong at all. It’s often just a matter of the child growing up and becoming more mature and able to control their bladder.

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