12 Time Management Tips for Writers

Some authors write a lot faster than others. Lucky them. But many authors get writer’s block and stress over their work. Still other struggle to meet their deadlines.

Time management can help solve these issues. Here are some tips to make the most of each day.

1. Set a Schedule

Try to write at the same time every day, a couple of times a day, if you are juggling it with a day job and other activities.

2. Use a Timer

Set an egg timer or an online timer for 25 minutes. Don’t do anything but write. Take a 5-minute break, then give yourself another 25 minutes. Continue in this manner for each writing session.

3. Set a Goal for Each Session

Decide what you want to work on and focus on that. You might be writing additional words for your novel, for example, or editing what you wrote recently.

4. Have Your Own Writing Area

Even if it is just one corner of your kitchen where you have your laptop, pens and paper, have a little office space for yourself that no one will tamper with.

5. Turn Off Distractions

Turn off the phone, stop your email from pinging and make sure your work space is relatively quiet. Avoid looking out of the window or tidying your desk when you are supposed to be writing.

6. Use To-Do Lists

To-do lists keep you on track and remove the stress of trying to remember everything that needs to be done. There is also immense satisfaction in tackling the task and then crossing it off your list.

7. Get Up Early to Write, or Write Late at Night

When the family are all still in bed can be the best time to get writing done. It can mean some sacrifices, but they can be worth it if you are creating a saleable piece of work.

8. Don’t Wait to Be in the Mood to Write

Writing is not so much about talent as work and consistency. Write every day even when you don’t feel like it. Treat it as part of your daily routine, like showering and brushing your teeth.

9. Broaden Your Definition of Writing

There’s always something to do when you are a writer, such as editing, research and so on. Use each scheduled session to the full even if you never write an original word.

10. Tackle the Tough Stuff First

If you struggle with a particular task, do it first to get it out of the way so you won’t dread doing it while you are working on your other writing-related tasks.

11. Don’t Believe in the Myth of Multitasking

There is really no such thing as multitasking. It is simply the brain switching back and forth rapidly between two tasks. The result? More stress for you, and each chore taking more than twice as long compared with working on each thing one at a time.

12. Outsource the Non-Essentials

If you hate doing a task, don’t do it well, and/or it does not have a direct impact on your writing or financial success, then outsource it and hire a freelancer to deal with it. Head over to Fiverr.com, get a lawn service, and so on.

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