If you or someone you love seems to be suffering from male menopause the best course of action is to work on lifestyle changes. However, seeing a doctor is the first place to start to help you learn what type of lifestyle changes you may need for your condition. If the person suffering is your spouse or loved one, you may have to insist that they go to the doctor especially if they have serious physical symptoms.
Sexual Issues
ED doesn’t just affect the person suffering from it. It can have grave consequences on a marriage. If you suspect your spouse has sexual problems due to male menopause, it’s imperative that he get some help from a doctor. You can persuade him to go by showing him the stats regarding the number of men who suffer from these problems and the likely causes.
Often men are so embarrassed by sexual issues that they don’t tell anyone and get upset talking to their spouse about it. Don’t be accusatory and understand that ED doesn’t mean your spouse is not attracted to you. Be gentle and loving and help them get to the doctor. Go with them if they are okay with that so you can talk to the doctor together.
Low Energy
If you or someone you love has extremely low energy and seems unable to do important things, such as get to work, perform household duties, or oversee the kids. This is an important sign that requires attention because these symptoms can indicate serious problems.
Cardiovascular issues can be very serious and should be addressed immediately. Lack of energy is often due to poor circulation, which could be a cardiovascular issue. It’s important to get to the doctor. If your spouse is affected and they don’t want to go, make the appointment for them and tell the doctor the issue.
Mood Disorders
Sometimes when a man is suffering from low testosterone it almost seems like it’s stereotypical high testosterone. The man is up and then he’s down. The man is calm then another moment he’s angry. This is a very serious issue, can be associated with several problems, and at its most serious can end up abusive. In this case, you must demand that your spouse get some help with their problem.
Anxiety, Depression, and Stress
If your loved one is having problems with this, it can add to their hormone imbalance. Often people who are having these issues don’t get help soon enough. Sometimes its pride, other times it’s embarrassment. Most of the time these problems can be treated but seeing a doctor first is imperative. It may require short-term medication, hormone replacement therapy, or something else.
Male Breasts Are Developing
If you notice a change in your loved one’s body such as he’s developing a belly and breasts, it’s imperative that you get him to his doctor. A doctor can diagnose the problem by doing some tests. If it’s a hormone imbalance and there are no other health issues, it can be treated.
If it’s your spouse and he doesn’t want to get health care, the only way to deal with that is to try to educate him on the issues. Explain how ignoring it can make things much worse. Sadly, no one can force another person to do anything. If you have a spouse who will just go to the doctor because you make him an appointment, then do that. Go with him to talk to the doctor about everything.