Tips for Dealing with Teens Drink and Drug Issues

For many parents, their worst fears are that their teen will get into trouble with drink and drugs. It is a prime time for them to experiment and try new things. Peer pressure, wanting to fit in, and the need to have fun can all lead to drink and drug issues.

If your teen has developed a problem, it can be heartbreaking. However, there are ways to address the issue. Below, you’ll discover some of the best tips you can follow when dealing with drink and drug issues.

Don’t Panic and Do Your Homework

It’s common to panic when you learn that your child has been around drink or drugs. Often the panic comes from knowing very little about drug use in teens. So, before you over-react, do your research to learn up on the different drugs, their effects and level of addictiveness.

It’s important to be in a calm state when you talk to your teen about these issues. If you aren’t and you react purely with anger, they are going to start hiding things from you. So, if they have openly told you about the issue, praise them for being honest. Even if you have found out from somebody else, flying off the deep end isn’t going to achieve anything.

Talk to Them

It’s important to talk to your teen about the issue. How long have they been drinking and/or taking drugs? How often do they do it or was it just a one-off? You need to establish the facts before you can figure out how to deal with it.

You need to stay calm as you discuss the issue too. Let them know trying things is a normal part of being a teen, but also explain the negative impact of drugs. This is where your homework will pay off. You can teach them why drugs and drink can be bad and the effects it can have on loved ones.

Make sure you sit down and talk to them when they actually have time. Trying to do it when they are in a rush or watching their favorite TV program isn’t going to go well.

Seek Professional Help When Needed

If your child has only experimented with drink and drugs as a one-off, they may only need a chat about the dangers and effects. However, if the problem has developed into a more serious addiction, professional help may be required.

Getting your teen to seek professional help isn’t going to be easy. However, depending upon their age, you may be able to force the issue. The only trouble is, when you force anything onto a teen, it makes them even more defiant.

There is no denying that dealing with drink and drug issues with your teen is extremely challenging. However, remaining open and understanding is one of the best ways to address it. As tempting as it might be to explode and shout, this is going to do very little to deter your teen from drinking or taking drugs.

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