Fun crafts for Valentines Day

If we want to talk crafts, we have to visit Martha Stewart’s website. First, she recommends making care packages with pictures of each child or relative. “To make these custom treat packages, cut out a picture of your child, scan it, and print onto heavyweight matte paper. Cut tags using pinking shears for the bottom … Read more

How fast do goldfish grow?

The goldfish, being a rather simple pet to take care of are often undervalued in their complexity. Many people think that they grow based on the size of their pond or tank, but this is not the truth. It is true that it has some influence – if you keep it in a small tank, … Read more

Do goldfish ever sleep?

The goldfish seems like a very simple animal – it is one of the most common pets and this frequency often gives the impression that they are not very interesting or unusual in some way. The truth on the other hand is far from that. Not only have they a very old history of breeding, … Read more

What are some symptoms of cabin fever

Cabin fever is an illness where a person feels restless, depressed, sad, and anxious. According to, “Some experts believe that cabin fever is a sort of syndrome, while others feel that it is linked to such disorders as seasonal affective disorder and claustrophobia. Cabin fever is ultimately rooted in intense isolation, which may reach … Read more

Charming Valentines Day gift Ideas

Ah, Valentine’s Day. It is a day of many expectations and anticipation. Let us talk about some possibilities of gifts for Valentine’s Day. First, there is the traditional approach: chocolate. says, “Chocolate is the standard V-Day gift, and it’s easy to see why. It’s rich, creamy and muy delicioso. Not to mention it’s an … Read more