Causes of Hair Loss

shallow focus photography of hand

Hair loss is a common problem faced by many people all around the world. There are various reasons behind hair loss. Let us look at some of the major causes and their remedies: Hormonal problems may cause hair loss. If your thyroid gland is under active or overactive, you will suffer the problem of hair … Read more

Do It Yourself Landscape Design – Where To Begin

photography of pathway surrounded by plants

There’s an old saying that states something like – “Getting Started Is Half Finished”. And so many times I find this to be true as I see do it yourself landscapers struggle to find their initial design idea. However, once they establish a framework of necessary design elements, it usually goes pretty smooth from there. … Read more

Eco-Friendly Party Ideas for Older Kids

happy birthday card beside flower thread box and macaroons

Older children are a lot easier to plan a party for because they are more independent and have more skills. They are also less likely to zoom around everywhere and better able to pay attention for longer periods of time and follow instructions. Here are some eco-friendly party themes and activities for your tweens. Themes … Read more