There are many myths and erroneous ideas about anorexia that are important to know about if you want to work toward finding a cure. Going down the wrong path due to false beliefs can be dangerous and counterproductive to anyone who wants to recover or who has friends and or family suffering from this condition.
Learning what is fact and what is fiction can only help with recovery.
- Only Girls Get It – The truth is, over 10 million men (including young men) have anorexia too. It’s also getting worse. There are many different ideas about why it may be worse for men now than in the past, but more than likely, it is due to underdiagnosing the condition more than anything else.
- No One Dies from It – The sad truth is very different because anyone with anorexia has twelve times more chance of dying from the condition than they would for other mental illnesses. Anorexia really can kill people and does. In fact, a person dies almost every hour from some form of an eating disorder.
- It’s a Lifestyle Choice – While sometimes what triggers anorexia are lifestyle choices such as wanting to lose weight and get healthy, the truth is, it’s not a choice for the sufferer. It’s a mental condition that distorts reality to the anorexic in such a way that they cannot see the truth for themselves.
- All People with Anorexia Are Skeletal – Some people who become anorexic don’t get super-skinny like others. It depends on your genetics and your body makeup. The main thing about being anorexic is being undernourished, sick, and obsessive about it.
- Anorexics Don’t Eat Anything – Many anorexics do eat, but they are very strict about how much. Many have a unique bowl or plate that they use to eat in a very controlled way. Some will report to eating just one thing like certain cookies, or fruit, or something that in their mind won’t make them fat.
- All Anorexics Vomit on Purpose – Not all anorexics binge and purge, although it is a common issue with anorexia. What happens is due to the extreme hunger anorexics are experiencing. They get carried away eating, and then their body makes them vomit it up due to the volume.
- You Cannot Cure Anorexia – About 80 percent of cases can be cured via counseling alone, either inpatient or outpatient. Another 20 percent may need more severe treatment, but most can be cured. In fact, it’s believed that 100 percent can be cured with the right treatment.
- Anorexics Don’t Have a Menstrual Cycle – Not all anorexic women stop having their period. For some, this does happen but for others, they continue to menstruate even though they are very unhealthy.
- Only Young People Get Anorexia – Older, middle-aged women and men are also victims of anorexia. It is more likely to affect younger people, but more older people are being newly diagnosed.
Knowing fact from fiction about this serious disorder can help you and your loved ones overcome it. Try to look to your counselor or doctor for the most up-to-date information regarding anorexia so that you ensure you choose the right treatment and options to improve the situation instead of making it worse.
Where to Get Help and Support
If you or someone you know has an eating disorder, or you’re worried that they might, finding help outside of yourself is imperative. Remember, even if you are wrong, it’s better to find out now than wait for this disease to get worse. People do die from anorexia. It’s much easier to get under control sooner rather than later.
National Eating Disorders Association
This website offers a lot of help for people who have eating disorders as well as for those who love them. They offer a helpline and a screening tool that you can use to figure out if you or a loved one has an eating disorder like anorexia. You can sign up for an informative newsletter on their home page.
Kids’ Health from Nemours
This site has lots of information about all sorts of kids’ health issues, including anorexia. You can view the site in English and Spanish. The site is very accessible, as you can read it or listen to the information. They have a handy growth chart as well as information to help you get help for your child sooner rather than later.
National Eating Disorder Information Centre (Canada)
This site offers a lot of useful information about not only helping yourself but also others who may have eating disorders – including helping an adult or a child with an eating disorder. You can go to presentations and workshops about eating disorders that they offer as education to the public and members.
Help Finder UK
This is an excellent website from the UK that helps you find groups and therapists for any issue, including eating disorders like anorexia. You can phone them or use their handy search feature on the site. Plus, there are treatment guides, downloadable resources, and so much more.
National Eating Disorder Collaboration AU
This site is available for people to find services about eating disorders in Australia. They have a helpline for kids as well as adults, and even an emergency number where you can get medical attention right away. You can get help via phone, email, and an amazing chatline.
Your Primary Care Provider
If you currently have a regular doctor that you see yearly for your physicals, this is the person you want to talk to first about a possible eating disorder. They can direct you to help in your local area or the right doctor for your needs.
Your Parents
If you are a young adult or a child reading this, don’t be afraid to talk to your parents about your situation. Often parents already realize something is wrong but don’t know how to fix it. Go to them and speak to them about your concerns because they will find help for you.
A Psychotherapist
You can also go directly to a therapist to help you with your eating disorder if you believe you have one. They will recommend the right therapy for you once they talk to you to learn about what is happening.
Getting help and finding support for any type of mental illness is very important, especially one like anorexia that does kill people. The fact is that 1 in 5 anorexics will die from suicide. The resulting deaths are 12 times higher than all other causes of death for females ages 15 to 24. Knowing this means you have to get help for yourself or your loved ones, now that you can.