So you want to live a green lifestyle but don’t know where to start? You are certainly not alone in this matter. Lots of people would like to live a green life whether to save the environment or to save on their wallets, but many of them don’t know where to start. Living a green lifestyle will require some discipline in the beginning, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it a long time ago. Below are some tips on how to get started.
Evaluate Your Life
Before you can begin living a green life you must first evaluate your life and determine what things you’re doing that could be condensed or eliminated altogether. You will need to consider things such as your daily activities: do you drive unnecessarily to locations that you could walk to, do your burn a lot of gas, do you use plastic grocery store bags, how much bottled water do you drink in a day, etc… In order for this tip to work you have to be honest with yourself. You might be shocked to see how much you waste.
Don’t Buy What’s Not Needed
Do you constantly buy things that you think you need but end up wasting them or never using it? This is very common for most people. Most people buy things without giving it a second though and then as time pass the impulse buys end up being a pure waste of time. The next time you’re thinking about buying something, simply ask yourself: what am I going to use this for? When will I use it? If you don’t have a logical answer for those questions, chances are you don’t need to make the purchase. You will soon start to realize how your impulsive buys equated to so much waste.
No More Disposables
Today many people enjoy the idea of being able to purchase something disposable. A green lifestyle is the complete opposite of “throwing away” and instead is about “reusing and recycling”. For this reason it is best to consider the disposables in your life and eliminate them. Some ideas of disposable items might be: water bottles, coffee cups, razors, paper plates and napkins, disposable diapers, and plastic shopping bags. By eliminating these things and investing in non-disposable items you save money.
Last but certainly not least, when it comes to green living it is not complete without talking about recycling. Just about everything can be recycled including paper, plastic, metals, and more. Instead of trashing it, find out how you can recycle it so that it can be reused. This saves on energy and helps out the earth. Get the family involved as well so that recycling is an everyday practice in the home.
So as you can see green living encompasses a lot more than just doing things to save the earth, it is also a great way to cut back on waste and improve your way of living and your finances. Enjoy these tips and add on as you feel comfortable in your new way of living.

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