Green Shopping Tips: Homeware & Cleaning Products

When you want to be as green as possible buying things for your home, plus cleaning them, is something you will want to think about carefully. Furniture and cleaning products are some of the most environmentally damaging things you can buy. Thankfully, companies are starting to answer the call for sustainable furniture and cleaning supplies. … Read more

Door-to-Door Trick or Treating versus Trunk or Treats

Trick or treating traditionally involves going door to door around your neighborhood. However, in recent years a few new trends have started to develop. One of them is the trunk-or-treat method, introduced by churches. So, is door-to-door trick or treating still worth doing or should you consider trunk or treats this year? Below, you’ll discover … Read more

Spooky Halloween Ideas for Teens

Teens generally like to get more involved during Halloween than smaller children. While the spooky holiday is considered fun for kids, teenagers tend to prefer a spookier experience. So, how can you create a spooky style Halloween your teen is sure to love? Here, you’ll discover some of the best scary Halloween ideas you can … Read more

Where To Find Sustainable Products

The good news is that you can find sustainable products almost everywhere you normally shop. You don’t even have to try that hard. The consumer demand for sustainable products has created a priority for most business. Even Walmart offers sustainable choices. You mostly just need to know what to look for and you can find … Read more