How to Create a Home Office That Will Promote Health While You Work at the Computer

turned off laptop computer

It’s not exactly news that office jobs aren’t good for us. This is something we’ve known now for a long time and more and more evidence is only supporting this view. Perhaps most damning are the recent studies on the negative effects of sitting at work. These show us that sitting for long stretches at … Read more

The Mind Needs Growth

stacked of stones outdoors

What makes you happy? What is your idea of a perfect evening? For many of us, the answer would be something akin to relaxing on the couch, watching a great TV show and eating something delicious. Maybe you want to stay in with your other half, or maybe you’d like to program a game. These … Read more

Accessing Greater Strength and Creativity Through Mental Control

silhouette of man sitting on grass field at daytime

If you’re interested in the concept of heightening human performance and getting the very most out of your brain and body, then chances are you will have come across the subject of flow states. Flow states are a mental state synonymous with heightened awareness and reflexes, when we are completely focused and all distracting thoughts … Read more

Tricks to help you sleep

orange cat sleeping on white bed

Everyone deserves to have the ability to lay their head on a pillow at night and drift off to sleep. But, for so many, this isn’t what happens. Be it the events of the day, the pressures that surround you or some other residing factor, not being able to sleep only complicates matters and adds … Read more

How to Stop Panic Attacks While on the Road

man inside vehicle

Panic attacks are a very debilitating experience. But, they can be especially overwhelming when you happen to be behind the wheel. It’s normal to feel some anxiety while driving. In fact, many drivers wind up having a panic attack at some point during their driving career. Unfortunately, the symptoms of the condition can make driving … Read more